
More Gender Traitors: Obama Speechwriter Voting for McCain

October 29, 2008

Wendy Button, a speechwriter for Obama, Edwards and Clinton is voting for McCain/Palin. Get ready for the dogs of war to let lose on the latest gender traitor

Since I started writing speeches more than ten years ago, I have always believed in the Democratic Party. Not anymore. Not after the election of 2008. This transformation has been swift and complete and since I’m a woman writing in the election of 2008, “very emotional.”


Here we are discussing Governor Palin’s clothes—oh wait, now we’re on to the make-up—not what either man is going to do to save our economy. This isn’t an accident. It is part of a manufactured narrative that she is stupid.

Governor Palin and I don’t agree on a lot of things, mostly social issues. But I have grown to appreciate the Governor. I was one of those initial skeptics and would laugh at the pictures. Not anymore. When someone takes on a corrupt political machine and a sitting governor, that is not done by someone with a low I.Q. or a moral core made of tissue paper. When someone fights her way to get scholarships and work her way through college even in a jagged line, that shows determination and humility you can’t learn from reading Reinhold Niebuhr. When a mother brings her son with special needs onto the national stage with love, honesty, and pride, that gives hope to families like mine as my older brother lives with a mental disability. And when someone can sit on a stage during the Sarah Palin rap on Saturday Night Live, put her hands in the air and watch someone in a moose costume get shot—that’s a sign of both humor and humanity.

Has she made mistakes? Of course, she’s human too. But the attention paid to her mistakes has been unprecedented compared to Senator Obama’s “57 states” remarks or Senator Biden using a version of the Samuel Johnson quote, “There’s nothing like a hanging in the morning to focus a man’s thoughts.”

But thank God for election 2008. We can talk about the wardrobe and make-up even though most people don’t understand the details about Senator Obama’s plan with Iraq. When he says, “all combat troops,” he’s not talking about all troops—it leaves a residual force of as large as 55,000 indefinitely. That’s not ending the war; that’s half a war.

I was dead wrong about the surge and thought it would be a disaster. Senator John McCain led when many of us were ready to quit. Yet we march on as if nothing has changed, wedded to an old plan, and that too is a long way from the Democratic Party.

I can no longer justify what this party has done and can’t dismiss the treatment of women and working people as just part of the new kind of politics. It’s wrong and someone has to say that. And also say that the Democratic Party’s talking points—that Senator John McCain is just four more years of the same and that he’s President Bush—are now just hooker lines that fit a very effective and perhaps wave-winning political argument…doesn’t mean they’re true. After all, he is the only one who’s worked in a bipartisan way on big challenges.



  1. Gender traitor? She is voting for the only ticket with a woman on it, how is that traitorous to her gender?


  2. I think you missed the second sentence of the Post. The author was insinuating that this woman will be called a “Gender Traitor”; a democrat who will soon be labled a traitor by her party for jumping ship just because she wants to vote for a woman.

    It would be akin to the GOP calling Colin Powell a Race Traitor.

  3. Never heard that, and I have been all over the right-wing blogosphere. You would hear words like “liberal” and “affirmative action” but not “Race Traitor”.

    I read the post, I don’t even understand how that name can even be used. It sounds too much like “a traitor to her gender”.


  4. I was not trying to call you illiterate. I am sorry if you took it that way. I believe the term “Gender traitor” came from when Shelly Mandel from the Center for the Advancement of Women said she was endorsing Palin. I cannot remmeber who coined the term, but that is where it comes from.

  5. Here is a 67 page academic research paper on:
    “An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches”

    Click to access Obama%27s_Use_of_Hidden_Hypnosis_techniques_in_His_Speeches.pdf

    Here is an exerpt:
    *Obama’s hypnotic command that…

    “a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, ‘I have to vote for Barack’”

    An example of Obama using both of these hypnotic hand gestures, hypnotic programming followed by hypnotic anchor back to back, in a way that can be nothing other than hypnosis: You can See the video of this speech excerpt:

    Video Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mopkn0lPzM8

  6. […] More Gender Traitors: Obama Speechwriter Voting for McCain Wendy Button, a speechwriter for Obama, Edwards and Clinton is voting for McCain/Palin. Get ready for the dogs of war to let lose on the latest gender traitor Since I started writing speeches more than ten years ago, I have always believed in the Democratic Party. Not anymore. Not after the election of 2008. This transformation has been swift and complete and since I’m a woman writing in the election of 2008, “very emotional.” […] Here we are discussing Governor Palin’s clothes—oh wait, now we’re on to the make-up—not what either man is going to do to save our economy. This isn’t an accident. It is part of a manufactured narrative that she is stupid. Governor Palin and I don’t agree on a lot of things, mostly social issues. But I have grown to appreciate the Governor. I was one of those initial skeptics and would laugh at the pictures. Not anymore. When someone takes on a corrupt political machine and a sitting governor, that is not done by someone with a low I.Q. or a moral core made of tissue paper. When someone fights her way to get scholarships and work her way through college even in a jagged line, that shows determination […] […]

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