Posts Tagged ‘ACORN’


Just 15 more days until we have a new President

October 30, 2008

Via NY Times

November 4th 14th is the day our President elect will be announced.

I have been saying all along that I will not wake up on November 5th with a President elect.  I hope I am wrong, but I doubt it.  It looks like Ohio will probably be 2008’s Florida.  This time rampant voter registration fraud is responsible for 200,000 red flagged ballots.  If Ohio is close…I mean, When Ohio is close these provisional ballots are going to be very important.  Ohio has until November 14th to count the ballots.  I hereby announce by availability to count these ballots.



Ex-Staffer of ACORN testifies on Truth’s Behalf

October 29, 2008

We have some more voter fraud problems in PA:

In a Pittsburg courtroom, an ex-staffer testified that ACORN’s efforts were hand in hand with an Obama “Get-out-the-vote” association called Project Vote, and the Obama campaign turned over its donor lists. The ex-staffer said that her testimony is influenced by the low income wokers who were thrown under the bus after the crap hit the fan. 

Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, D.C. staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign. Moncrief said she has a copy of a “development plan” that outlines how Obama contributors who had “maxed out” under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors.

Moncrief testified that ACORN and Project Vote were virtually identical…

As I have said many times, this election is in for a long ride.  I do not think we will wake up on November 5th with a President Elect. 



UPDATE: Price of “Race Card” stock plummets

October 29, 2008

Hot Air:

Ed Rendell has thrown yet another “Race Card” into the ring.  Mr. Rendell now calls PA’s desire to enforce voter registration laws as “Jim Crow”-ish.  What in the hell are you talking about?  The supply of Race Cards in this election has driven the price down to a 41 year low.  ’nuff said.  End.



No Words

October 28, 2008

OH judge says homeless can list a park bench as their address.



Some People Should NOT Vote

October 16, 2008

There are far too many people out there like this.  Thanks hotair


Registration Problems in OH

October 15, 2008

I have a feeling this election season is not going to end on November 4th, and Bush v. Gore will probably be getting a lot of play come November 5th. 

Our friends at Hotair says OH is sitting on 200,000 red flagged voter registrations.  May God Bless us to get out of this mess.  Are these fraudulent registrations going to equal fraudulent votes.  The OH Secretary of State in this story makes me think there might be.


All ACORN Submissions in Lake County, IN fraudulent

October 14, 2008

It never ends. I can almost guarantee that this election will not be over until 2009 with the rampant voter fraud


Yep, McCain Spoke at an ACORN Event

October 13, 2008

Head up from MM:


Senator John McCain and many others to speak at the rally at
Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus


Miami, Florida – February 20, 2006  ― Leaders from a diverse array of sectors will hold a rally in Miami on Thursday, February 23, 2006, in support of comprehensive immigration reform in an effort to keep immigration reform at the forefront of the public debate.  Leaders from both political parties, immigrant communities, labor, business, and religious organizations will gather to call on Washington to enact workable reform.  


The rally will feature Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) as the headline speaker along with elected officials, immigrants and key local and national leaders.  Sen. McCain is one of the chief sponsors of the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act; bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform legislation introduced last Congress and scheduled for consideration by the Senate in the coming weeks.  A similar rally with Sen. McCain is planned for New York City on February 27.


WHO:                          Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Rep.                                               Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL.), and immigrant, religious, community,                                       business and labor leaders.


WHAT:                        Comprehensive Immigration Reform Rally


WHEN:                        Thursday, February 23, at 6:00 p.m.


WHERE:                     Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus

                                    Chapman Conference Center

                                    Bldg 3000

                                    300 NE 2nd Avenue 


EDITOR’S NOTE:     Miami Press Availability: Sen. McCain will be available for                                                    interviews starting at 4:15 p.m. on location, Feb. 23.  


The Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act was introduced in the Senate by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and John McCain (R-AZ) and in the House by Representatives Jim Kolbe (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL).  It addresses border security and illegal immigration while bringing the 11 million undocumented immigrants out from the shadows and onto a path to legal permanent status; setting up legal channels and realistic caps for workers and family members to enter in the future; providing for tough enforcement; and enabling more immigrants to learn English and prepare for citizenship.                                                                   (More)


The rally in Miami is being sponsored by the New American Opportunity campaign (NAOC) in partnership with ACORN, Catholic Legal Services – Archdiocese of Miami, Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Miami Dade College, People for the American Way/Mi Familia Vota en Acción, Service Employees International Union, and UNITE HERE.  


Bertha Lewis, Acorn’s chief organizer, said in a statement that came with the photo, “It has deeply saddened us to see Senator McCain abandon his historic support for ACORN and our efforts to support the goals of low-income Americans.”

”We are sure that the extremists he is trying to get into a froth will be even more excited to learn that John McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN, at an ACORN co-sponsored event, to promote immigration reform,” she said.

JIndal 2012


ACORN and Obama 12/1/2007

October 12, 2008

Maybe the messiah will just replace the cabinet with a council of community organizers. Thanks to hotair for the heads up.


A Kick in the Acorns

October 10, 2008

***First let me apolgize for the numerous puns I shalt forthwith spew***

John McCain has finally got the acorns to crack open said acorn of truth about The One and his alleged proven ties with the Association of Corrupted Organizations for Registration of Non-Eligible Voters ACORN.  I was angry with McCain for failing to do so in the Debate, but I understand why he didn’t.  He wants to look Presedential for the MSM.  Evenso It would have been nice to ask Obama about these allegations facts and see him squirm without his teleprompter or writers who are gearing up for The Messiah’s half hour special right before Halloween.  (I am still angry with this one.  It is going to preempt “Gary UnMarried” which tries to take on some serious issues but still has some laughable qualities.  Kind of like the Obama campaign.) 


Mccain has released a great commercial which demonstrates these ties and the cover up by the DNC to deny The One’s ties.  MM has posted the video and transcript.  I hope McCain is not finished with this issue.  I feel this has a more powerful impact then the William Ayers debaucle.  Americans seem to be too dumb to figure this one out, but ACORN and voter fraud is today.  Not to mention ACORN is on the payroll of the Obamanot Campaign to “get-out-the-vote”.  Apparently some people will be getting out of their graves to vote on November 4th a la Mayor Daley in 1960.  Good job ACORN…Chicago politics at its best.  I guess the ACORN has not fallen far from the tree.
