Posts Tagged ‘Redistribution of wealth’


New McCain Ad: Slippery Slope

October 30, 2008

H/T hotair:

Where will the tax hike plateau begin? 250,000? 200,000? 150,000? As has been noted the 150,000 number is where Biden sees “rich” as starting but he did not indicate that 150,000-200,000 would see a hike but we all know it would happen.


Trickle Up Economics

October 28, 2008

Reverend Wright must have learned a great deal from his friend Barack Obama regarding wealth distribution.  However, Rev. Wright decided to turn this concept on its head and take from the poor to give to the rich.  MM has posted a tour of Revernend Wright’s new mansion.  It makes me sick that a religious leader would take from innner city worshipers to build such a home.  If it were possible for me to respect that ass any less I would.  I bet he hopes God doesn’t Damn America for its capitalism or its IRC 501(c)(3) anymore.

Below is another video which Brit Hume presented regarding Reverend Wright…



I hate to say I told you so

October 27, 2008

Earlier I said that Obama would deflect any criticism of his socialist comments made in 2001 by saying this was a desperate attempt  by McCain in the last week of this election.  Well, I guess I was right…mostly right.  Obama has now announced that FOXNews, McCain, Barbara West, and Drudge are in concert to bring up accurate stories from Obama’s past “false accusations” in order to scare voters and further its conservative agenda.  I could never have seen that coming.  If Obama wants to see a desperate response he might want to look in the mirror.  If that isn’t irony, I don’t know what is.



Hey, Biden. Gotcha!!!

October 27, 2008

One major quip many have with the ’08 campaign is the easy road which Obama and Biden have had.  Tough questions have not been presented and the MSM has continued to toss softballs to the democratic ticket.  I.e., while McCain and Palin are being grilled about the ‘cuda’s wardrobe Obama is on the trail answering questions from Albert Clifford Slater

This weekend some in the MSM have begun to ask long over due questions concerning Obama’s socialist economic policies.  Biden, who has not held a formal press conference since September, thinks a question even insinuating Obarx and his Marbama’s policies is a joke.  No Senor Biden, you are the joke.  In Pennsylvania, a very important battleground state, two anchors decided to once again ask Obarx about his Cuban Castrabamic policies.  As the polite statesman which he his, Biden cut the interview short.  Way to show some class.  One might try answering a question every once in a while.

It is funny to see a live interview with Biden and his inability to even answer one tough question.  Whereas, Palin was dragged through the mud for a taped and edited piece.  Biden, how does it feel to be Palin for about 25 seconds?  The sad thing is I had to find out about Obama’s socialist comments and Biden’s gaffes from the “alternative” media and not from CNN, MSNBC, or CBS.  I even searched for the stories and I was unable to find them.  The MSM once again has shown it’s bias and sickening worship of an unproven socialist politician from Chicago, the dirtiest of all political machines. 

I voted today.  Make sure you do the same.



The worst spin job of all time. By “redistribute” he meant “lowering the tax brackets on the middle class”.

October 27, 2008

Senator McCaskill has not yet been skilled in the spinning skills of the Jedi Masters…Yobama and Mace Bindu.  Over the past day or so a Youtube video surfaced where  The Messiah claimes there is a affirmative right in the Constitution that there should be economic fairness.  This right should be accomplished by the redistribution of wealth.  YIKES!!!.  See the post below.  Senator McCaskill has opened her big yapper in defense of The Great One .  She spins lies misrepresents the truth claims here in this video that what Obama meant by redistribution is middle class tax cuts.  Has anyone told the Senator that when spinning you cannot use an old talking point?  You must come up with a new talking point; i.e., Obama was only 40 yeas old when he said that, or that was a Pre-9/11 Obama…his views have since changed.

I wanted to see how Obama wiggles his way out of this one.  This is only the beginning.  My guess is he’ll stay silent, like he has for the past month, and just wait out the next 8 days. 
