Archive for December 10th, 2008


Reid’s Idea of Reaching Across the Aisle / Bi-partisan Politics

December 10, 2008

Hot Air via WaPo:

 The momentum for a special election to replace President-elect Barack Obama ran into a major hurdle late this afternoon in the form of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) who penned a letter today to scandal-tarred Gov. Rod Blagojevich making clear he would prefer the incumbent step aside and let Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn make the appointment.

“It is within the authority of the Illinois legislature to remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election,” wrote Reid in a letter obtained by The Fix. “But a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a new Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would earn the confidence of the people of Illinois and all Americans.”

Reid adds that his preference for an appointment by Blagojevich’s successor rather than a special election is driven by his belief that it is “imperative” that a new senator from Illinois be seated as soon as possible. An appointment by Quinn, a Democrat, also avoids the possibility that Democrats could lose the seat in a shortened special election campaign.

The timeline being floated in Illinois political circles would be for party primaries to take place on Feb. 24 with a general election on April 7 — a schedule that would leave the Senate seat vacant for at least three months.

Ed Morrissey adds:

Reid knows that an election in Illinois will put the seat at risk of Republican takeover after the Blagojevich scandal plays all the way out.  Illinois needs to clean house, and that’s the first opportunity they will get.  You can bet that Reid wants to avoid that as much as any Democrat, but this tone-deaf plea to a corruptocrat for a back-room deal smells bad enough to stink up the entire 111th Congress and give everyone else the same idea for the 2010 midterms.

Reid/Pelosi/Obama have been preaching that “We The People” are in charge of the government; i.e.,  transparent politics.  However, Reid wants the Illinois legislature to choose the Senate seat?  If there is one group of people which the citizens of Illinois should NOT trust, it is their government.  Let the People decide who should take the seat.  Afterall, US Senators do represent their constituents on the Federal level.

Once again “Pinky” Reid shows he can barely talk the talk, but he sure as hell cannot walk the walk.  As a NV resident, I am sad to say he represents me in Washington.  I can just hope 2010 rings in a new year for NV Senators on Capitol Hill. 



Jesse Jackson Jr. is not a Part of the Blago Investigation…per se

December 10, 2008

It seems Jr. and Sr. Jackson have lawyered up and are claim they are not a part of the Blago investigation.  The Federal Prosecutor agrees with the Jackson assessment. 

According to NBC News:

. . . Jackson Jr. was given a phone call from the U.S. Attorney’s Office the night before the governor was taken into custody, advising him that the arrest was imminent. Also, the congressman’s father, Jesse Jackson Sr., has retained legal council following the Blagojevich arrest.

Why would either Jr. or Sr. lawyer up?  I believe the Prosecutor (Fitzgerald) when he acknowledges JJ Jr. is not a part of the Blago investigation.  However, doesn’t the Federal Government have some interest in a Congressman who is promising to pay/raise seven figures for Blago in return for the vacant Senate seat?  That is why I believe JJ Jr. will be a part of another investigation…his own.  I suppose Fitzgerald could use JJ Jr. as leverage to turn on Blago in court, but I find that unlikely.  It seems the Government has more than enough evidence without the assistance of Jr. to put Guv Blago behind bars (innocent until proven guilty of course). In my opinion JJ Jr. knows that.  I see no other reason why he would have retained counsel before his rights are even read.

This is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.  Illinois politics is on a short fuse and it is going to blow.  More to follow



Reuters Calls GOP Gleeful Over Blago’s Arrest

December 10, 2008

MM via Reuters

U.S. conservatives rubbed their hands with glee on Wednesday over news that the Democratic governor of Illinois has been accused of attempting to sell the U.S. Senate seat of President-elect Barack Obama.

But news of his arrest came at a perfect time for conservatives reeling from big losses in November’s congressional and presidential elections that put Obama in line to succeed U.S. President George W. Bush on January 20.

It seems Reuters has confused conservative “glee” with “journalism”; reporting the news and asking valid questions.  The media have covered GOP scandals in the past, and they should do so.  That is their job and it is what they are paid to do.  In this instance Blagojevich just happens to be a Democrat.  A conservative covering the story should not be seen as glee, but as a media representative practicing their craft; uncovering any conspiracy, asking appropriate questions, linking the dots.  Many GOP scandals have been unfolded on the television and I cannot remember the last time a MSM outlet asking whether the liberals were acting unfairly and with inappropriate glee?  As Michelle Malkin put it:

Maybe I missed it, but I don’t seem to remember the finger-wagging Reuters articles headlined “US liberals gleeful over [Abramoff/DeLay/Stevens/Foley/etc.  Do you?

P.S.  Since when is Rush Limbaugh the representative of the GOP?  He is an entertainer.  If we held the liberal “entertainers” (AKA Hollywood) to Reuters standard of glee, Reuters would never have a slow news day regarding liberal glee over GOP gaffes and controversies.



The GOP’s Rebuttle to the Auto Bailout

December 10, 2008

House Republicans have been working on an alternative to the Bailout of the Big Three American Automakers.

MM reports:

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN), and other House GOP leaders today put forth an alternative to the $15 billion taxpayer-funded auto bailout proposed by House Democratic leaders. Boehner issued the following statement:

“The proposal put forth by our colleagues in the Democratic majority is unworthy of American auto workers and unworthy of American taxpayers. It guarantees failure at taxpayer expense. It will keep the industry dependent on taxpayer money instead of giving auto workers the security of a viable industry that is back on its feet and ready to compete. American auto workers and taxpayers deserve better.  A responsible plan should protect taxpayers and help auto workers and their families by allowing the Big Three to become competitive again. Our plan does this.”

A summary of the House Republican alternative follows and is available here:

 A responsible plan should do two things: it should protect taxpayers, and it should help auto workers and their families by allowing the Big Three to become competitive again. The Democrats’ plan does neither. Congress should not be stampeded into rubber-stamping a plan that guarantees failure at the taxpayers’ expense.

The Democratic Bailout proposal has three fundamental flaws:

* The only thing crazier than trusting the same management and union officials who got the Big Three into this mess to get them out is trusting a bunch of Washington politicians and bureaucrats – the very same people who ran up a $455 billion deficit last year. American auto workers and their families deserve better.

* If no private investors believe the Big Three restructuring plans are realistic enough to support with their own money, why should we put up taxpayer money? American taxpayers deserve better.

* The Big Three restructuring plan and the Democratic proposal lack accountability. There is no guarantee that once they get taxpayer money the restructuring they promise will occur. Once the taxpayers prop them up once, there will be a big incentive to keep bailing them out – keeping the industry dependent on government aid, lashing it to the majority’s political agenda, and further denying American auto workers the security of a viable industry that is back on its feet and ready to compete. American auto workers and their families deserve better.

What We Should Be Doing: The American Automotive Reorganization and Recovery Plan

Hard Benchmarks:

On December 2, the Big Three presented to Congress their plans for restructuring. While the plans included laudable goals, too few details were provided as to how the companies will actually achieve the restructuring and the savings they have promised. In some instances new agreements to achieve the savings would not be entered into for months or perhaps years.

The Big Three must lock in the restructuring they have promised in a matter of weeks, not months or years. Congress should instead establish firm benchmarks and a tight timeline for restructuring. Such benchmarks will include for example requiring that by March 31, 2009 each company should reach agreement whereby:

* The companies’ creditors agree to a framework to reduce each company’s indebtedness by at least 1/3.

* The UAW holds to concessions already made and further:

o Concedes the elimination of Supplemental Unemployment Benefits;

o Concedes elimination of the Jobs Bank Program;

o Agrees to either reduce company retiree health care obligations or otherwise convert a portion of such obligations into equity; and

o Agrees to reduce wages and benefits to the levels paid by non-Big Three manufacturers.

A Process for Reaching Expedited Agreement, Instead of Nationalizing America’s Auto Companies

Because of the many legal and contractual hurdles to restructuring, the companies are urged to accomplish their restructuring through the use of a pre-packaged bankruptcy or another mechanism to bring all stakeholders to the table for an agreed-upon determination of their future. It is important that these stakeholders reach reasonable compromises amongst themselves. Creating a government bureaucracy or a “car czar” to arbitrarily pass judgment on the thousands of details involved with a restructuring is akin to nationalizing the auto companies.

Interim Financing: Insurance, Rather than a Taxpayer-Funded Bailout

The Big Three may need some form of interim financing as they finalize their restructuring. In normal economic times, if their restructuring plan is considered viable, such financing should be available in the private market. Because of the current credit crisis, limited assistance may be appropriate in the form of insurance, rather than a taxpayer-funded government bailout that replaces private investment. This proposal ensures that taxpayers are protected and provides a powerful incentive for the Big Three to quickly implement their restructuring plans.

 I hope this is not too little too late.  The Senate has already planned on voting this weekend.  I hope the Senate listens to this and any other alternative proposal before it passes the bill to American taxpayers for years to come.  At least some Senators have their head on straight.  The financial market bailout was a knee jerk reaction to a major problem.  In my opinion, the Government acted too quickly before implementing their plan.  We need to think beofre we act and let other innovative alternatives at least enter the conversation before giving three defunct companies any cash.  The Big Three have shown they hemmorage money in unnecessary bonuses and ammenities.  Here are some stats concerning the auto industry which should raise some eyebrows.

In 2007, Toyota sold 9.37 million vehicles.

In 2007, General Motors sold 9.37 million vehicles.

In 2007, Toyota made $17.1 billion.

In 2007, General Motors lost $38.7 billion.


Breaking Blago News

December 10, 2008

Via MM and Hot Air:

Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs calls for Blago to resign

Echoing Chicago Trib, which calls for Blago’s resignation in its lead editorial.

Until he resigns, however, Blagojevich is still the governor. Theoretically he could, even in his last moments, appoint someone to fill Obama’s vacant seat for two years.  But that person would be irredeemably tainted by the governor’s alleged attempts to sell or barter the seat. Blagojevich needs to step aside and let Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn take over.  This moment, though, shouldn’t be all about politicians and laws.  This moment should be about the serially cheated citizens of Illinois, people who pay their taxes and expect honest governance in return. They have to choose better officials.  They have to demand more.  They deserve more.  Right now, though, the state faces a financial crisis, a $2 billion budget shortfall and an abundance of difficult choices of what to fund and what to cut. Illinois needs a governor who can lead through this crisis. Rod Blagojevich is, more than before, the governor who cannot govern.



Obama’s Foreign Policy – Problems from Within & John Bolton’s Wisdom Proves True

December 10, 2008


NYT reported that Obama would announce Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Susan Rice as UN Ambassador.  BUT – “To reinforce his intention to work more closely with the United Nations after the tensions of President Bush’s tenure, Mr. Obama plans to restore the ambassador’s post to cabinet rank.  (Although the cabinet has 15 department heads, a president can give other positions the same rank for the duration of his administration).

John Bolton’s Wisdom: it is unwise to elevate the position to the cabinet.

– “One, it overstates the role and importance the U.N. should have in U.S. foreign policy,” Mr. Bolton said. “Second, you shouldn’t have two secretaries in the same department.” (NYT 11/30/08). 

– Cabinet rank creates the potential for bureaucratic conflict, especially with the State Department. Bolton also questioned whether the U.N. — whose culture he says is “impervious to change” — should be so central to U.S. foreign policy. (USA Today 12/1/08)



Secretary of State pick Hillary Rodham Clinton and potential U.N. envoy Susan Rice, whose post Obama will elevate to a cabinet position, separately visited the agency’s headquarters in Washington.

– Officials said Rice wants to install her own transition team inside the State Department.

John Bolton was right.  Such a move by an incoming U.N. ambassador is rare, even unprecedented, because the job is based at the United Nations in New York, where Rice already has a small transition staff.  Prior to Obama’s decision, the UN Ambassador fell under the authority of the Secretary of State.  Now it looks like the “team of rivals” approach will wind up splitting American diplomacy, with potentially destructive results.  What Rice did was effectively place a shot across Clinton’s bow and already stepping on her turf.  Now, this is even before BHO is sworn in.  Can’t wait to see what other schisms arise on the foreign policy issues between a very young and strong-headed Rice v. “don’t mess with me  & get your a&& out of my kitchen” Secretary Hillary.

– Polymath 3