Posts Tagged ‘Senator Reid’


Reid Defends His “Tourists Stink” Comments

December 11, 2008

Reid has attempted to defend his comments he made about the smell of tourists during the summer months.  After this comment at the Visitor’s Center Opening Ceremony, a resident of Las Vegas told Reid that he was the one who stinks.  Reid wrote a rebuttal letter to the Review Journal in his defense of the hygeine comment.  However, Reid didn’t even attempt to apologize.  Reid’s letter contained the following response:

“Much has been made of my comments at the opening of the Capitol Visitors Center,” Reid wrote. “Anyone who took the time to watch my statement or read it in full knows the point I was making: I’m always pleased when the Capitol is filled with citizens eager to learn about our country’s great history and the work we do in that historic building.”

Here’s my crazy opinion:  Not one soul besides yourself and your son Rory thought you were trying to say that  the ripe tourists were crazy history buffs.  Allow me an attempt to translate what your rebuttal was really trying to say: 

“People of the United States, I, Harry Reid, am about to speak.  I have been misunderstood and misquoted.  It was not me who got it all wrong, it was the 300 million people who live in this country.  My comment was taken out of context.  You did not understand what I was trying to say because you only focused on the ‘stinky tourist’ reference.  If you had only forgotten about that part and redacted it from your memory, you would have understood what I was really trying to say.  That tourists and Americans are awesome and they rock my socks.”

Word to the wise, if you preface a sentence with “I know I shouldn’t say this…”, “I have been told not to say this” or “I’m not racist but…” PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE shut your mouth.  It would save you a lot of trouble.



Reid’s Idea of Reaching Across the Aisle / Bi-partisan Politics

December 10, 2008

Hot Air via WaPo:

 The momentum for a special election to replace President-elect Barack Obama ran into a major hurdle late this afternoon in the form of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) who penned a letter today to scandal-tarred Gov. Rod Blagojevich making clear he would prefer the incumbent step aside and let Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn make the appointment.

“It is within the authority of the Illinois legislature to remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election,” wrote Reid in a letter obtained by The Fix. “But a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a new Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would earn the confidence of the people of Illinois and all Americans.”

Reid adds that his preference for an appointment by Blagojevich’s successor rather than a special election is driven by his belief that it is “imperative” that a new senator from Illinois be seated as soon as possible. An appointment by Quinn, a Democrat, also avoids the possibility that Democrats could lose the seat in a shortened special election campaign.

The timeline being floated in Illinois political circles would be for party primaries to take place on Feb. 24 with a general election on April 7 — a schedule that would leave the Senate seat vacant for at least three months.

Ed Morrissey adds:

Reid knows that an election in Illinois will put the seat at risk of Republican takeover after the Blagojevich scandal plays all the way out.  Illinois needs to clean house, and that’s the first opportunity they will get.  You can bet that Reid wants to avoid that as much as any Democrat, but this tone-deaf plea to a corruptocrat for a back-room deal smells bad enough to stink up the entire 111th Congress and give everyone else the same idea for the 2010 midterms.

Reid/Pelosi/Obama have been preaching that “We The People” are in charge of the government; i.e.,  transparent politics.  However, Reid wants the Illinois legislature to choose the Senate seat?  If there is one group of people which the citizens of Illinois should NOT trust, it is their government.  Let the People decide who should take the seat.  Afterall, US Senators do represent their constituents on the Federal level.

Once again “Pinky” Reid shows he can barely talk the talk, but he sure as hell cannot walk the walk.  As a NV resident, I am sad to say he represents me in Washington.  I can just hope 2010 rings in a new year for NV Senators on Capitol Hill. 
