
Obama is afterall the Second Coming…of Roosevelt and his New Deal that is.

October 28, 2008

During the Great Depression, the Government was traveling through economic territory we had never seen before.  Roosevelt felt the way out of the Depression was through enlarging government agencies to supply jobs for the unemployed.  For the time being, that was not the worst idea.  I do not fault FDR for what he did in the New Deal because, as I said before, we were on unknown territory; others aren’t so kind.  However, FDR did have some very radical ideas concerning the Constitution, the role of the Supreme Court, and affirmative rights. 

The Constitution was created as a document of negative rights.  Many are confused with the difference.  For example, I bet the majority think the First Amendment gives you the Freedom of Speech.  It does not.  The First Amendment says the Legislature shall make NO LAW to infringe upon your speech.  This is a negative right…it tells us what the government cannot do, not what citizens can do or what the government should/must do.  Woodrow Wilson, the self titled “First Progressive President”, had the same thoughts regarding the Constitution and was FDR’s predecessor in such ideology.

Roosevelt felt that there were affirmative rights which every American deserved.  He felt the American people deserved a second bill of rights, filled with these affirmative rights.  One of those is “the right to own a home”.  Roosevelt believed the US Government should help everyone own a home through government handouts and subsidies.  This ideology has not died.  Obama, in the second debate, announced that Health Care is a right that all Americans deserve.  This could not be further from the intent of the Framers of the Constitution.  There is now an audio clip where Obama claims there is an affirmative right to “not be poor”; i.e., a redistribution of wealth.  This ideology is dangerous.  Any Supreme Court, be it too liberal or too conservative, could invent or interpret a right from the Constitution.  The Framers made it clear in the 10th Amendment that the Bill of Rights was not an exhaustive list of guaranteed rights.  The Framers also made it clear that a new right can be included as an “endowed” right by either a state adopting a right into its Constitution (as long as it does not infringe upon a Federal Right) or Congress can amend the Constitution.  The Supreme Court should never make law…just interpret what is WRITTEN.

John Kerry, Obama’s probable pick as Secretary of State, wants a New Deal II, and Obama has declared his new Bill of Rights.  The New Deal II will expand government into the depths of healthcare, education, business, and farming to ensure all Americans receive these fake affirmative rights.  Some even say Obama’s New Deal II is more dangerous to our economic freedom than FDR.  We cannot allow this to happen.  The Government will slowly begin to eat away at our capitalist system; sticking its fingers into places it should not enter…mainly my pocket.  This New Deal II will cost the American Taxpayers billions if not trillions to create. 

We have already seen the foundation begin.  The Bailout ensures our Government has its hand in the baking system.  Not just as a regulator, but as part owner.  This, and other evidence of Government meddling, scares me.  This is not the country I grew up loving, and it is not the government I want to see as I get older.  Stop the Insanity!!!  Where is Jindal when we need him?



  1. […] Original post by reagan21 […]

  2. […] no longer 250,000, but now 150,000 Second Bill of Rights October 28, 2008 Further to what Reagan21 wrote below; Soon, “rich” will be $90,000 and we can all be equal.  There is no way we can afford […]

  3. This is irreparable damage. We still haven’t undone the catastrophe of the New Deal and the Great Society. What will be worse is that BHO, seeing himself as a transformative figure will not be content to simply be President (if he wins). He will want to make a pockmark on history. LBJ left his scar on history in 5 years. It is highly conceivable that BHO can do it in 4 years or if congressional approval remains low, he may force his agends in two years. Sadly, the only way to stop this upheaval is through a renewed interest in foreign policy. BHO loved his summer vacation so much, he may as well just stay in Europe

  4. […] the new new deal and the second bill of rights comes to pass, we can all expect our taxes raised. There is no way to […]

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